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Borno State Running Under Dictatorship - Ibrahim Abatcha Umar

Borno State Running Under Dictatorship - Ibrahim Abatcha Umar
Ibrahim Abatcha Umar
Ibrahim Abatcha Umar in an interview with Extra Reporters expresses concern over the political atmosphere in Borno State. He is among many young political enthusiast in Borno State.
So, how does the political atmosphere look like now in Borno State?

Very unpleasant, running under dictatorship of governor Kashim Shettima people no more have the right to choose their prepared candidates, the whole circle of leadership evolve within few individual there are no development project, initiatives, or good economic policy.the list goes on and on, I stand for justice and and fair play I won't mind saying the truth.

But a lot of people do give compliment to the the Kashim Shettima administration, despite the crisis he keeps pushing on with some projects.

How will you justify that? Mention one? I am making this statement not because I have ill feeling against him, let me tell you this governor Kashim Shettima is a person who is a very good public speaker he will kill you with words and when it comes to implementation you will be disappointed, possibly those who are making this statement are either his die hard followers or those outsiders who are entice by their statements.

Yes there is crises in Borno and Maiduguri exclusive, at least there should be development in the capital, but that is not so, yes Kashim Shettima has excellent vision that are unachievable by himself and his team.

It seems like you have forgotten about the Legacy Garden, Teachers Village, Schools renovations, students scholarship abroad, etc?

Yes I have all these in mind and I commend him for that but it is not good enough for a government of State like Borno, what we need are sustainable economic policy infrastructure, industries, investment in youth which will give people the audacity to build themselves.

Kashim Shettima is a banker and was doing well in his banking career before becoming the governor of Borno State. Don't you think he has the best future plan for the state? Just few days back, about fifty students were sent to Kaduna State for "A Better Education".

Yes literally it is a welcome development, now you will justify my key word, let me ask you, what happen when he sends our brothers to study marine engineering to pursue HND abroad millions of Naira is been squandered and what is the end result? When we have maritime academy of Nigeria Oron In Akwa Ibom state. What happen to those sent for petrochemical engineering what progress has he made on that what output did the investment brought about? The agriculture in Thailand? The female gynecologist to Sudan? The 50 IDPs children boarding school by Kano states government? Have they made a sustainable plan for that? No. Have the selection process properly scrutinized? No. Are they the children of the rich or of the poor? Can their parents afford that or not before they are sponsored? Are they the right people with the zeal to that field? No. Is there any announcement for that? No.

Leadership in a circle, what exactly do you mean by that?
85% of those commissioner in the first tenure are the ones still in power except of those who are appointed deputy governor and senatorial candidate for Borno Central, these sets last for 3 years and when the cabinet was reshuffled towards the end of the last year of the last tenure 85% of them returned, coming back as advisers, same story, coming to local government chairmen it is very hard to find a first time chairman in the 27 L.G.A of the state.
Let me give you example with MMC, the chairman who is now member house of representatives has been the chairman for over 3 years without change. Yet in the last general election there was only nomination by Kashim Shettima and not a single primary election was conducted.

Approving a candidate in a political party does it guaranteed his winning?

I certainly agree with you, but the problem is they take advantage of the people in the camps, their influence and the resource they have at their disposal, as you know they contributed to the insurgency so as to dip us in economic predicament so that it will be easy for them to buy our vote.

Isn't winning determine by the power of votes from accredited voters? 

Socially Borno state is lacking good knowledge of democratic processes and no measures is taken by us all to address this gap fortunately we are trying to contribute our quota under the canopy of Borno Youth Movement (B.Y.M).

Shouldn't this blame rather be shifted to the entire Borno State citizens for sticking to the governor's candidates?  

One of our problem is people vote base on wining party and not credibility and they take this advantage to pave the way for their favorite candidates.

So what are you people doing to enlighten the people to vote based on credible candidates?
We will unveil the evil regression our present leaders are taking us to, organize interactive session with the populous especially the youth, bring out and mobilize credible candidates who are suppressed by the oppressors, enemies of progress to our dear state. Individual enlightenment, social network, find corrupt action, petition them, ensure their conviction which will restrict their eligibility for holding electoral offices.

What is your call to the people of Borno Central for the next coming election?
I am calling on the people of Borno Central (Maiduguri Metropolitan Council, Jere, Konduga, Bama, Mafa, Dikwa, and Ngala) to prove to those in power that power is in the hand of God and then the people and not the leader who is only a slave of the people, let us vote our credible in and choose the better from the other contestant. This is our opportunity let us struggle for our right and make a difference, let think beyond relationship, party, personal interest, materialistic and think of the hundred of thousand of people to be represented.

What do you have to say about the choice of the new deputy governor, Alhaji Usman Mamman Durkwa?

His choice is welcomed development, he deserved it and I think he is the best from among the contenders. May he discharge his official assignment accordingly.

And on a final note, what is your advise to governor Kashim Shettima?

Let him try as much as possible to make sustainable economic policies, improve infrastructure, diversify our economy, expansion of state landscape, put more effort in standardizing public school education processes not just structures, increase more effort in ensuring good governance in our local government, accountability in all ministries, L.G.A, parastals, agencies and so on. Lastly let him be closer to the people.


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