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Open Letter To President Of The Senate, Dr. Abubakar Olubukola Saraki -Abbati Bako

I am please and delighted to write to you once again and sincerely advice you to avoid going into political hara-kiri and possible or eventual moving into political eclipse or even political oblivion. I am sure that His Excellency will re-call vividly that I am one of the social media writers that supported and campaigned for your success at the poll during the internal democratic election of Senate leadership. I wrote open letters (at different times) to 109 Senators, Nigeria's Externals political and economic Stakeholders and Nigerians generally.

I have said it several times that politics is a game of competing values, interest, ambition, vision and practicality, mediation, dialogue, monopoly, strategy/planing, negotiation/reconciliation, persuasion and is also a game of give and take-----pure and simple. In a political democratic game anybody tells you that politics is a game confrontation, intimidation and blackmail; consider him as an enemy of progress or he must have misunderstood the meaning and principles of the game (the recent mutually negotiated political agreement between USA and CUBA is a good example of political game).

Sir, I am writing to you not as your adviser or political associate, rather as a private political Consultant/Strategist (Political Strategist/Consultant who has been trained in a University as an expert to digest and analyze any political body language, political para-linguistic sign, political semiotic messages and information and then code them and advice on what to do or the remedy that needs to be applied to solve political problems or lead to political successes at International, National/Domestic and Local levels) that wants to see the enhancement and strengthening of democracy in Nigeria and the entire African Continent; for political, economic and social development. Sir, as you are fully aware that you and I and majority of Nigerians believe that there is no alternative to democratic system at the moment.

As I have mentioned above that political negotiation (Professor William Zatman opined that "sometimes the solution is within the air and all you need to do is to grab it") may lead to way forward in solving the political skirmishes between you and your party leadership. In a Liberal Political Democracy (Presidential System of Government) the Central Government is too powerful to be fought or challenged by an individual or small group of people (only the entire people or the large majority of the people of the nation could and should challenge the supremacy of the central government---that is "demo" or power by the people---as it did happen in 2015 elections that brought President Buhari/APC) or at the same time to challenge the supremacy of your political party leadership; that is what we call "political suicide" of which it can take you into political eclipse or oblivion.

Where you went wrong (looking into political paradigm perspectives) was the agreement you entered with the minority party Senators for you to win election as Senate president. It would have been better to negotiate, plan, strategize and mobilize/monopolize the party leadership and get you elected by the majority of APC Senators; that is more peaceful and responsible as you are aware that Nigerians had voted for change and no compromise to that. So, Sir, you are not late and something positive can happen at any minute of the day. "There is no permanent friend or enemy in politics, but permanent interest".

You Excellency, I advice that you should do everything humanly possible to reconcile with the party leadership. And if that cannot be possible; you should resign honorably to avoid political hara-kiri (ceremonial political suicide). Nowhere in a democratic system should a member from minority party be among the principal officers/leadership of the majority in the Chamber (in the principles of Liberal Democracy, majority is majority and minority is minority-----pure and simple). Did I ever know/read that among the advanced and emerging Liberal Democracies in the world? Not really! This may be a new theory that needs to be hypothesized in the art/science of political democracy. 

Wishing you all the best Your Excellency and May God save Nigeria and Nigerians.

Abbati Bako,psc,mti,bsis,UK (Political Strategist) 


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