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Showing posts from July, 2015

Senate To Probe Newspaper Over Anti-Buhari Report

Twenty senators of the Northern caucus of the All Progressives Congress in the Senate, who with 59 others co-sponsored the confidence vote passed on the leadership of the legislative body, Thursday, denied working against the interest and agenda of President Muhammadu Buhari. The Nation had published a report, alleging that the Northern senators aligned with their Peoples Democratic Party counterparts to team up “with the opposition to work against President Muhammadu Buhari and the ruling party”. However, at a press briefing on Thursday, the Chairman, Senate ad hoc committee on Media and Publicity, Dino Melaye, dismissed the allegation on behalf of his colleagues. Mr. Melaye said the report which dubbed the 22 senators “Anti – Buhari”, “was wicked, satanic and unacceptable because all of them actually worked for Buhari’s victory at the poll and had determined to ensure the success of his administration”. He also alleged that the sponsors of the publication were “ac

President Obama Gave President Buhari Names Of Oil Thieves

U.S. President Barack Obama meets with Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, DC, on July 20, 2015. SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images The U.S. government allegedly gave Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari the names of Nigerian oil thieves who have been stealing and illegally stockpiling the West African nation’s oil. U.S. President Barack Obama’s administration provided Buhari with the names last week when the Nigerian leader was visiting the White House, according to a Nigerian newspaper that cited presidential sources. A member of the Nigerian president’s entourage told the Punch that Buhari was shocked by the names, and it could prompt him to probe the administration of former Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan, who was widely accused of corruption. “I can tell you that the president

Nigerian Army Redeployed Over 300 top officers

The Chief of Army Staff, Tukur Buratai, has approved the redeployment and appointment of 334 officers to various units across Nigeria. The officers appointed include some Principal Staff Officers at Defence and Army Headquarters, Corps Commanders and General Officers Commanding as well as other commanders, army spokesperson, Sani Usman, said. Some of the senior officers appointed include 37 Major Generals, 57 Brigadier Generals, 128 Colonels and several Lieutenants Colonels among many others. Some affected commands are the General Officers Commanding 1, 2, 3, 81 and 82 Divisions, Operations Pulo Shield and Safe Haven of Niger Delta and Plateau States respectively. Among these principal officers,  Major General MA Koleoso was appointed Commander TRADOC; Major General SN Muazu was moved from 2 Division to Headquarters, Infantry Corps and appointed Commander; Major General MT Ibrahim moved from Department of Army Standard and Evaluation to Nigerian Defence Academy as

Computer Virus Protection: The Top 10 Free Antivirus Programs Of 2015

The technology expert website, , has compiled a list of the top 10 best performing, free antivirus programs for the year 2015. Although there are good paid antivirus programs, such as Norton or McAfee which protect and arm your computer system from harm, the exorbitant price charged by these companies in exchange makes it difficult for some people to have access. You need not worry, however, because these free antivirus programs will give you almost the same protection as the paid ones. According to F ossBytes , the number one best free antivirus program of the year is  Avast Free Antivirus . Avast runs on Windows and almost all Mac OSX versions. It is not difficult to install, it has a heuristics search and ‘on-access’ protection pack. It also has features such as real-time protection of files, email, P2P transfers, web surfing, instant messages and even suspicious behavior are a notch above your average free antivirus software. It has been praised for

Scientists Discover Link Between Fasting And Fight Against Cancer

Scientists have potentially discovered the first evidence of a natural intervention to trigger stem cell regeneration. Valter Longo , Edna M. Jones Professor of Gerontology and the Biological Sciences at the USC Davis School of Gerontology, and director of the USC Longevity Institute , has assisted as a corresponding author to a 2014 study on fasting. “ When you starve, the system tries to save energy, and one of the things it can do to save energy is to recycle a lot of the immune cells that are not needed, especially those that may be damaged, ” Valter Longo has said. “ What we started noticing in both our human work and animal work is that the white blood cell count goes down with prolonged fasting. Then when you re-feed, the blood cells come back. So we started thinking, well, where does it come from? ” The study was published in the June 5, 2014 issue of Cell Stem Cell , by researchers from the University of Southern California. Their research demonstrates that a p

Does Nigeria Have Alternative Income Source, As Engine Started Running On Water

For decades there have been stories about vehicles that could run on water, and now we can actually see one of these vehicles in action. The T Power H20 motorbike was developed in Sao Paulo, Brazil by a man named Ricardo Azevedo. The motorcycle can travel up to 310 miles on just a liter of water, and it does not require any specific type of water. Azevedo has even demonstrated how the motorcycle works using polluted water from a nearby river. The motorcycle works by combining a battery with a water combustion system that helps to generate electricity. In the video demonstrating his invention, Azevedo uses clean water to power the bike and drinks it on camera to show that it is not fuel. “The advantage of this motorcycle, which works with the hydrogen that comes from the water, is that the result that comes out of the exhaust is water vapour. This is different from gasoline, which the result is carbon monoxide, ” Azevedo said. Azevedo’s invention could entirely change t

Google, Microsoft and Kaspersky Hacked By Moroccan Hackers

A group of Moroccan hackers, The Exploit3rs , hacked and defaced the official Moroccan sites of Google, Microsoft and Kaspersky as well as that of Morocco Trade and Development Services ( ) to show that major websites, which provide data protection of their users, are vulnerable and thus hackable. After hacking the sites, the hackers, who have earlier attacked several international sites owned by MacDonald’s, Orange, Twitter , Dell, Pepsi , HP, and Samsung in 2013, left this message: “You think that you control the domains but this is not the case! Everyone knows that it is false. We control the domains including NIC in Morocco! We Want To Inform You That We Can Own Any .Ma Website Now.” Using DNS hijacking, the group was able to hack into the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Morocco where,,, and domains are hosted. The and both are parked domains while the G

Revealed: ISIS Executions Shot in Studio

In a report from Press TV , footage has apparently been leaked from a staffer of U.S. Senator, John McCain, showing an ISIS “execution” video being filmed in studio. The video is very similar to those which portray the beheading of James Foley , as well as other victims. The footage lasts a little over 3 ½ minutes, and shows a man reported to be ISIS executioner, “Jihadi John” (a.k.a. Mohammed Emwazi ) standing before a green screen with a kneeling hostage in an orange jumpsuit. In this particular scene, the man in the orange jumpsuit also has a green screen hood over his head. All of this is being filmed in the presence of a production crew, and as an interesting side-note, notice the t-shirts and baseball caps being worn by the crew. The video is reported to have been obtained from the cellphone of McCain’s staff by the Hactivist group, CyberBerkut , who then released it to Leaksource with this message: “Dear Senator McCain! We recommend you next time in foreign trav

Obama Is Again Targeted By Hackers

A hacker from Yemen, going by the alias, “./lov3r,” has hacked into the one of the sub-domains belonging to US President, Barack Obama. The Yemeni hacker defaced the website, (which is a sub-domain of ), leaving a special message for President Obama… including the use of the “N” word. Seems he is disrespecting President Obama and at the same time also asking for him to leave Yemen alone. This same network was used by 35,000 groups during the election campaign for the president and this sub-domain is not a new target for hackers… a Yemeni hacker group, the Syrian Electronic Army, also hacked this website last year. This Yemeni hacker appears to be quite skilled in the field, as he is the same hacker who was able to hack into major websites like Coca-Cola, AVG Security, Avast Security and many others. For the past couple of years now, people have chosen hacking as a way to bring attention to, and raise a voice against, injustice or

7th Division Of Nigerian Army Kills 20 Terrorists, Recaptures Dikwa

Nigerian troops of the 7th Division today recaptured the town of Dikwa in Borno State, killing at least 20 insurgents belonging to Islamist group, Boko Haram. The Nigerian soldiers also recovered caches of ammunition from the Islamist insurgents, according to a military spokesman. Colonel Tukur Gusau, a spokesman of the 7th Division of the Nigerian Army, revealed the routing of the insurgents in an address to reporters at Maimalari cantonment, Maiduguri. Colonel Gusau showed the reporters the weapons recovered from Boko Haram fighters. The military spokesman stated that soldiers seized ‎10 rifles, anti-aircraft guns, general-purpose machine guns, and anti-armor special bullets. Other items captured from the Boko Haram fighters included a techno phone and three MTN SIM cards. “Our troops killed at least 20 Islamist terrorists during a fierce battle with them. We succeeded in recapturing Dikwa town from them,” Colonel Gusau stated. He added: “I can tell that our troops

Okro Soup Issues By Sonala Olumhense

Once upon another life, I was attending a literature conference at the University of Calabar when a friend of mine took interest in one of the students.  He thought his best chance was through the front door: ask her out. But a friend of hers thought differently, and she asked me share this wisdom with my friend: “If you want to eat Okro soup,” she counseled, “you don’t go diving into the middle!” I advised my friend accordingly.  He thought about it for a while.  “They have Okro soup politics here?” he asked me.  “So exactly how do they eat Okro soup?” I told him what I was told: “First, you eat around the plate!” He didn’t take too kindly to the advice, as he mumbled some indistinct philosophy about desiring to meet Okro with hunger, or something like that. It did not occur to me at the time to question my interlocutor as to whether the approach to eating Ogbono, Nigeria’s pre-eminent soup that is similar to Okro, was different under that same world view. Nonethele

A Sports Car That Runs On Salt Water

“ The new QUANT e-Sportlimousine is the first prototype built around the groundbreaking nanoFlowcell® powertrain and energy-storage concept. It marks a quantum leap in the development of electric mobility, ” reads the official website of this salt water powered electric car. One of the wildest cars at the Geneva Motor Show, the Nanoflowcell Quant e-Sportlimousine is a research prototype that’s powered by salt water. More accurately, it’s powered by a flow battery that uses a special formula of ionic charge-carrying salt water as its storage medium. “ Following the 2010 Geneva Motor Show, it was decided to pursue a completely new concept, both optically and technically, ” Nanoflowcell explains. “ Every element of the Quant e-Sportlimousine has been developed from the ground up over the last four years: new powertrain, complete redesign, and most importantly, every aspect of the new prototypes are designed with homologation requirements in mind. ” The Nanoflowcell power

China: Officials Discover Nearly $500 Million Worth Of 40-Year-Old Meat

China is no stranger to a food scandal, whether it be exploding watermelons, poisoned powdered milk or pesticide tainted steamed buns; however, the rancidness of this latest discovery , undoubtedly exceeds all others— the sale of 40-year-old meat. Last month, the Chinese media reported that a number of meat traders had been trading nearly half a billion dollars’ worth of beef, pork and chicken that had been frozen for up to 40 years. The meat, some of which dated back to the 1970s, had been smuggled across China’s boarders. As reported by state-run China Daily newspaper , authorities seized aged meat worth up to 3 billion renminbi ($483 million) in a nationwide crackdown. 14 gangs involved in the smuggling have since been arrested. Reportedly, the meat made its way into China by first being shipped to Hong Kong. There the meat was transported  to the Vietnam boarder where it was “difficult to control the flow of meat.” Traders then smuggled the meat across the border and

Teen Hacker Who ‘Almost Broke The Internet’ Spared Prison

Seth Nolan-Mcdonagh, the British teenage cyber geek known in the cyber world as Narko, was just 13 when he joined a network of online hackers who later brought websites of global institutions including the BBC, to their knees using distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. In March 2013, hackers targeted Spamhaus, a firm that provides details of spammers to email and network providers. The attack on this anti-junk mail slowed the Internet around the world. Spamhaus called on Cloudflare, a service that blocks online assaults, for support, which led to the largest known DDoS attack by hackers at the time. At its peak, the attack was guiding 300 GB of traffic every second to Spamhaus computers. After his arrest in April 2013, more than £70,000 were discovered in Mcdonagh’s bank account. Cops found the source code used in the attacks on devices in his London home. He also had in his possession 1,000 credit card numbers. Nolan-Mcdonagh pleaded guilty to two counts of u

Mitsubishi Says Sorry For Using Captured American Soldiers As Slave Laborers

Car manufacturer Mitsubishi has become the first Japanese company to issue a high-profile and long-awaited apology for forcing the World War II prisoners of war (POWs) to work in horrendous conditions in its mines. The remorse for wartime atrocities and for using captured American soldiers as slave laborers was rendered at the Simon Wiesenthal Center Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles on July 19, just weeks before the 70th anniversary of Japan’s 1945 surrender. “In keeping with the spirit of our company’s mission statement, today we apologize remorsefully for the tragic events in our past , and expressed our profound determination to work toward a better future,” said Hikaru Kimura, a senior executive officer of Mitsubishi Materials. Mitsubishi has admitted to holding nearly 900 American prisoners-of-war when allied forces liberated its labor camps in 1945 during the final days of the war. 27 Americans died in the camps and others complained of lifelong health problems from

Tompolo: Why I Called MEND Meeting

In a statement released today, Tompolo, who identified himself as a “High Chief” and “the Ibe-Ebidouwei of Izon Land,” anchored his convening of the meeting on a need to discuss the current crises facing beneficiaries of an amnesty program that was originally worked out between the Federal Government headed by then President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua and numerous agitators in the Niger Delta, especially those who fought under MEND. Multi-millionaire former Niger Delta armed militant, Government Ekpemupolo (better known as Tompolo), has explained why he convened a meeting of erstwhile leaders of the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) and other agitation groups in the oil-producing area. Assuring that the meeting was not met to revive militant agitation, Mr. Ekpemupolo also signaled an openness to calling it off to allay any anxiety. In a statement released today, Tompolo, who identified himself as a “High Chief” and “the Ibe-Ebidouwei of Izon Land,” ancho